Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Budding Artist?

Ok so I really have no idea at what ages children develope in their ability to draw. I am however thinking that Abby is a little ahead in her abilities, no bragging here, keep in mind she just turned 3! I've had Mom's in the preschool program she goes to ask me if I have taught her how to draw or have her in classes. I assure you there is no coaching here...

I was picking up toys today per usual and I picked up her doodle pad and was shocked by what I saw! What do you think...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Caterpillar Capers

I organized a little "science project" for my Mom's Meet up group this year. I think it's been a hit. Abby's having fun anyway :-) We ordered Painted Lady Caterpillars from Insectlore.com they all come in one container and they are tiny! About 33 of them. Abby and I had to put food in this little Dixie cups and then transfer 1 or 2 caterpillars per cup. They walk around on the food on the bottom and eat and eat and eat and get really big. Then they spin a silk web and crawl to the top of the jar and hang upside down in a J shape, and then....

They turn into a chrysalis. They were pretty with gold flecks on their backs. In about 7-10 days they will emerge as butterflies. We can't wait.

As part of the activities we did a Butterfly Metamorphosis Story time. I ordered a couple books from Amazon.com that explained the transformation that the Caterpillars go through. It was a ton of fun, I think the Mom's learned a little in the process too. Below is Jarrett and Abby getting ready for story time. Boy are we going to have our hands full!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Abby's 3rd Birthday

We had a birthday party for Abby with my Mom's group. It was a beautiful day and the kids were able to play outside. Amber made the cakes both were adorable, it was a garden party theme so they went perfectly.

Abby had a great time and loved the cake! Below is my friend Amy and her little girl Amanda.

Abby enjoyed all her friends and her presents :-) Below is Abby opening her presents with her friends. Jack, Abby, Kira, and Ethan.