Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Soccer Star

Abby started soccer practice this week! She has been very excited to say the least. On Saturday we went to Target and got her a ball, shin guards, socks, and new tennis shoes; she hasn't wanted to take them off since we got them.

At first she was very shy and hid behind me but once she warmed up she had a blast. Emotionally she did a lot better than the boys on her team ~ haven't they told them there's no crying in soccer? :-) She is the only girl and so cute with her little ponytails! I had to tell her that it's a rule in soccer that you have to have your hair in ponytails so you can see when you're running. She's buying it for now!

Here she is getting ready to kick a goal, notice her tongue hanging out! That is coach Nate in the background.

Great form don't you think?

Here she is with her team and two coaches. Coach Nate on the right and Coach Mike on the left.
Her first game is on September 13th at the Thornton Rec Center Multipurpose fields if anyone wants to come out and see her.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Brother & Sisterly Love

Abby & Logan were enjoying a ice cream cone on the back deck together. Although these moments of affection are few and far between they sure are cute! And as they grow older they are becoming more frequent. I think they are beginning to learn that they should view each other more as friends than as a threat, although they still have there moments or maybe I should say their days... or weeks?? I have hope that it will keep getting better as they get older.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Blackhawk Down

Abby's 1st Helicopter Ride

Going to Wal-Mart to get your groceries sometimes has it's advantages... such as getting to sit in a Blackhawk Helicopter. We were on our way to get groceries and when we pulled up there was a Blackhawk and Flight for Life Helicopter in the parking lot. Abby was very excited that she was able to sit in the helicopter and "drive" it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer Fun

What's better on a hot summer day than having a ice cream cone in the backyard? Abby and Logan are enjoying a cone after swimming in the backyard. Weather here has been hot and dry, great for swimming not so good for drought conditions and fires.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Family Fun

The family packed into the Minivan and toook a day trip up to Estes Park. We were thinking we would hike up to Bear Lake but when the little old man at the information booth asked me if we had ski poles I knew we were in trouble! Turns out there was still quite a bit of snow on the trails.

Instead we drove into town and had a picnic lunch by the river. Abby had a blast standing in the water, which is freezing cold due to the fact that it is all runoff. She didn't seem to mind and we finally had to insist that she take a break and get out.

Logan on the other hand didn't want anything to do with the water and was happier cruising up and down the stairs, practicing his new found skill of walking up and down rather than crawling... oh and jumping off of the last one :-)

We ended the day walking up the main street and getting an ice cream cone for the kids. It was a lot of fun to get the kids out and into the Mountains that Abby talks about and loves to look at!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Down on the Farm

Abby has been into cows and farms lately. She wants to go "squeeze" (milk) the cows. In Longmont they have a farm called "Sunflower Farm" where you can go and walk around a working farm and see all the animals. They have swings, a treehouse, baby animals, a hay stack maze for little ones, and much more. It is a ton of fun for little ones - I wish I had come up with this idea! Buy a farm and have silly suburbanites pay $6.00 per person to walk around it! There had to be a couple hundred people there the day we were there.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Naming Challenge

If you haven't heard already I'm going to start selling my purses/totes/bags at local craft fairs,, and probably open an ebay store. My problem is coming up with a catchy, cute name that is easy for people to remember. So, I'm enlisting your help! Please help me come up with a name for my crafting business. I will be making purses as well as other hand sewn items (kids stuff mainly), I'm pretty certain they will all be sewn as opposed to painting or other crafts.

If you have a account on blogspot you can leave a comment on the end of this post. If you don't wish to create an account you can e-mail me at

Here's some background info on me if you don't already know:
  • My last name is Quereau (I'm thinking this is a little hard for people to spell and remember)
  • I have 2 children - Abigail "Abby" and Logan
  • I have 2 cats - Oreo and Izzy (Isabelle, Izzy Bizzy Bear)
  • My favorite color is purple (don't know how that will help)

That's all I can think of right now. Oh and the best part....

The winner receives a purse as a Thank You!!!

If you know any other people who are creative please pass this on to them, I need all the help I can get. Thanks for your help all

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sewing Room is Complete!!

After months of hardwork by my Dear Husband the basement is basically complete, just awaiting the finishing touches such as baseboards. I stayed up late last night getting my sewing room all put together. I am SEW excited!! I got bins to put all my fabric in and now I can just go down and sew when I want... and the kids allow :-)

Below is my latest creation. Her name is Miranda, she's a fun tote with lots of large pockets all around the inside.

Hopefully my production will go up now that I have a dedicated space. I have a pretty big list of people waiting for a bag.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Budding Artist?

Ok so I really have no idea at what ages children develope in their ability to draw. I am however thinking that Abby is a little ahead in her abilities, no bragging here, keep in mind she just turned 3! I've had Mom's in the preschool program she goes to ask me if I have taught her how to draw or have her in classes. I assure you there is no coaching here...

I was picking up toys today per usual and I picked up her doodle pad and was shocked by what I saw! What do you think...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Caterpillar Capers

I organized a little "science project" for my Mom's Meet up group this year. I think it's been a hit. Abby's having fun anyway :-) We ordered Painted Lady Caterpillars from they all come in one container and they are tiny! About 33 of them. Abby and I had to put food in this little Dixie cups and then transfer 1 or 2 caterpillars per cup. They walk around on the food on the bottom and eat and eat and eat and get really big. Then they spin a silk web and crawl to the top of the jar and hang upside down in a J shape, and then....

They turn into a chrysalis. They were pretty with gold flecks on their backs. In about 7-10 days they will emerge as butterflies. We can't wait.

As part of the activities we did a Butterfly Metamorphosis Story time. I ordered a couple books from that explained the transformation that the Caterpillars go through. It was a ton of fun, I think the Mom's learned a little in the process too. Below is Jarrett and Abby getting ready for story time. Boy are we going to have our hands full!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Abby's 3rd Birthday

We had a birthday party for Abby with my Mom's group. It was a beautiful day and the kids were able to play outside. Amber made the cakes both were adorable, it was a garden party theme so they went perfectly.

Abby had a great time and loved the cake! Below is my friend Amy and her little girl Amanda.

Abby enjoyed all her friends and her presents :-) Below is Abby opening her presents with her friends. Jack, Abby, Kira, and Ethan.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bag Lady

I am in a Bag of the Month club at the quilt shop that I go to - Tomorrow's Heirlooms. I have a blast!! Once a month we get together and learn how to make a new bag. This month it was the "Bow Tucks Tote" which I'm going to use as my diaper bag, there is a line of fabric by Michael Miller that I love, it's called "Dick & Jane" - too cute!
Here are pics of the completed bag sans the button which I still have to sew on.

I had ordered the Lazy Girl Wonder Wallet pattern, which I've heard is awesome, and it was in today! Now I can make a wallet to match each of the bags I've made!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Hunt is on!

It was a beautiful day for an Easter Egg Hunt. My Mom's group hosted a egg hunt at Amber's house. We stuffed and hid plastic eggs for the kids to search for. They were so cute but looked a lot like a school of fish rather than kids looking for eggs. One would spot an egg and the whole group would run in that direction, it was so cute.

Abby, Wyatt, and Trudi hunting for eggs.

Abby found one under the bench. At the park we played and did a craft - painting "eggs" with water color

Logan trying to paint - he got his shirt that's about it. Wyatt and Kira working on their works of art. Most of the kids ended up looking speckled due to the wind. Kind of like Jarrett and Abby...

Now she's all warmed up for the Real Easter Egg hunt on Sunday!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Basement

David started finishing the basement in November of 2006, took a hiatus in March of 2007 and then started up again in November of 2007. There will be 3 distinct areas when we are done the first being my craft room! I am so excited to finally have a dedicated space for my sewing and crafts where I can make a mess and not worry about cleaning it up so we can eat dinner :-)
Here is where the craft room will be:

On the wall behind where I'm standing I will have cabinets, 2 pantries and then drawer banks with a counter top. Next is the kids play area/rec room:

Here you are seeing the stairs coming down into the basement. On the right is my craft room. On the left with the little hole in the wall is going to be the kids "playhouse" hide away. In the middle with be the playroom. Below is a close up of the kids hide away. There is a light on the ceiling and then we are going to put rope lighting up in molding around the top.

Then there is David's work/wood shop area.

This picture is looking into his shop there will be french doors in the opening. Below is a photo looking out of his shop.

Now it's time to pick out paint colors and flooring! The fun part :-)

It's alive!!

This is my first attempt at a blog, every one's doing it! A little about my self... I am a SAHM living in Thornton CO. with my two ADORABLE kiddos, Abby (3) and Logan (1.5), my DH David, and our cats Oreo and Izzy.

In my spare time I enjoy to sew, scrapbook, and hang out with friends and craft. I just recently started taking quilting and sewing classes at my local quilt Shop, Tomorrow's Heirloom, and love it. I joined the bag of the month club, we make a different bag/purse/tote each month.

We are currently finishing our basement so that we have a playroom, craft room, and work shop for my husband. I'm amazed at how close we are since we started over a year ago, we are to the painting stage and then it's ready for flooring! It won't be long now before I can lock myself in the basement and sew, I can't wait!!